Les Pesques
Discover the world of needle-point embroidery and decorated boxes with Brigitte's themed short breaks.
Embroidery Embroidery
You will have the opportunity to learn or improve your embroidery skills in these activities to produce needle point and an embroidered box. Throughout the course Brigitte will be with you in the company of a skilled practitioner who will show you the various techniques and tricks of the trade.
Embroidery Embroidery
First evening: arrive and settle in at Les Pesques and enjoy dinner.
Second day: choice of embroidery activities followed by lunch. Afternoon spent finishing your embroidery work. Evening coming together for dinner.
Third day: Covering a cardboard box with embroidered decoration followed by lunch. After lunch finish the box.

A small snack before you leave.
This is but an example of the content, the programme can be amended according to your wishes.

1 Person 250 €
2 Persons 400 €

Broderie Broderie
These prices include basic supplies: cardboard, glue and a craft embroidery kit.
Fabric or paper to cover the box is an additional charge. You can make a box of your own or choose from those we have.
For dates and any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone +33 (0)5 61 97 59 28 or e-mail at reserve@les-pesques.com.
Thank you and I look forward to welcoming you at Les Pesques.